What is the currency for this website?
We operate in both US and Canadian dollars based on your location. If your total is show in USD it will be billed in USD, and if your total is shown in CAD it will be billed in CAD. The same holds true if the total is shown in your local global currency, we will use this feature as much as Shopify supports it.
If you use a VPN the location settings might not work for you.
Your total at checkout will specify the currency you are paying, even if your location settings are not working.
Are you an American or Canadian Company?
The shortest answer is Yes. 😂
Mason Jar Merchant is owned and founded by an American, who married a Canadian. 💕
We are both. We currently opperate and make our products out of British Columbia, Canada.
Most mason jars and all mason jar canning lids that we carry are made in the USA. Certain vintage brands like Dominion and Improved Gem Mason Jars were Canadian made.
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