Most people hear the words "Earth Day", "zero waste" or "sustainable living" and are left feeling overwhelmed. The truth is, if every person made a commitment to start small the collective impact would be BIG.
This Earth Day will you join us in making a commitment to start small with just one of these three easy and affordable sustainable swaps?
Ditch plastic water bottles for sustainable alternatives
Glass contains no toxins, is completely BPA free, endlessly recyclable and surprisingly durable. With glass containers you can rest assured that unknown chemicals from plastics won’t be leaching into your beverages, and that the flavour of your drinks won’t be tainted by the taste of stainless steel.
Once you go glass you’ll never go back!
Swap out single use straws for reusables
Many restaurants are leading the way and replacing plastic straws with compostable paper straws, but who wants to drink out of a straw that starts disintegrating part way through a beverage?!
Reusable straws only cost a few dollars and are lightweight enough to keep in your bag, ready to use any time!
Make your own household cleaners
Say no to store bought cleaners full of toxic chemicals and housed in plastic waste. Making your own natural cleaner is an easy and effective way to clean your home!
Start with an easy DIY vinegar based all purpose cleaner. Simply soak the rinds from your favorite citrus fruits in vinegar and store in a mason jar with a spray lid for an easy zero waste toxic free clean!
Replacing single use items in your home with reusable products made from eco-friendly and sustainable materials is a great place to start on the journey to going zero-waste.
Be encouraged! Even though these swaps and other changes you might be considering may seem small it's important to recognize that every little change you make contributes to a bigger story.
As the recent popular phrase says... "We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly, we need the masses taking as many steps as they can."
Start today and make simple swaps for a happier planet and a healthier you!
To celebrate Earth Day 2019 use discount code EARTHDAY2019 to save 20% OFF everything in the store from April 22 to April 24, 2019!
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